Friday, December 29, 2006

Unexpected Services

Almost every day someone says to me “I didn’t know that the Library did that!” Of course, people expect us to have books and magazines, storytimes and even book discussions. We are pleased to provide much, much more to our community. Here’s a short list of some services or items you might not be aware of:

Wireless Internet through the building
Obituary index
Pace-saver cart
Toys & puppets to check out
Homebound delivery
Quiet study rooms
Fax service
Interlibrary loan
Free income tax assistance
Parenting section in Children’s room
Quarterly newsletter
Strollers to use in the library
Meeting Room space
Displays all over the library featuring our materials and community information

We hope you find something new on this list that would make your life easier, or would benefit someone you know. If there’s an idea you’d like to suggest, we’d like to hear it.
The staff and library board are constantly looking at ways to offer more, within our limited resources (space, money, and time).

Happy New Year!

Sue Blechl, Library Director

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Holiday Recovery

It’s a quiet morning at the library - Dec. 26 – as people enjoy their extra time with family or sleep in or take advantage of the After Christmas store bargains!

We hope that Santa was good to you all – and that you received all the treats and blessings that you wished for.

The next holiday is New Years, and many of us make resolutions to start the year. I think most people plan to watch their diet better, to exercise more, and perhaps to watch less television. The library can assist you with these and other resolutions! We have great books and information to give you inspiration, and we can help fill your time productively with reading, listening, and viewing materials.

If you’d like to do more with your children, the library is a wonderful asset. We have the books for you to read to them each night, and our Family Night @ the Library (Tuesdays at 6:30 pm) is a great way to have fun together. In February we’ll have our annual Family Reading Month, a winter activity to get everyone reading.

We wish you a warm and happy holiday week!

Sue Blechl, Library Director

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday Doings!

Many of you missed an outstanding event this week when Laura Ingalls Wilder visited Emporia! Portrayed by Betty Jean Steinshouer of Florida, the well-known children’s author came to life, body and soul. Audience members were totally engrossed in our guest, and asked many excellent questions about the “Little House” books, Laura’s real growing up stories, and about family members Almanzo and Rose.

We appreciate the support of the Kansas Humanities Council and the Friends of the Library in helping to make this presentation possible. We could tell that there are many, many Wilder fans in our area, and that every year more children (and adults) become fascinated with the pioneer stories that take place in the Midwest.

These types of quality programs are not cheap. The library paid $300 for this visit, plus a night’s lodging. Your membership and support of the Friends of the Library will help us to continue to bring a variety of speakers and performers to our area.

The library will be featured on KVOE’s Talk of Emporia on Friday, Dec. 22. Tune in at 11:05 to hear me give an update on special events and services. I’ll be joined by Jesse Solis of the library board and Ann Coulson, president of the Friends.

The library will be closed on Dec. 24 & 25 (Sunday and Monday). Plan in advance to stock up for your holiday reading.

Happy Holidays!!

Sue Blechl, Director

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas with Laura Ingalls Wilder

Join us tonight as we celebrate the Christmas holiday as depicted in the “Little House” books. Betty Jean Steinshouer, a historian and actress, will present a great program at 6:30 on Tuesday, Dec. 19. We hope you are able to join us!

The library will be closed on December 24 & 25 for the holiday. Our online catalog will still be available through our webpage. For your convenience, you may use our 24-hour book deposits to return library materials.

On behalf of the library staff and the library board, I wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Sue Blechl, Director

Friday, December 08, 2006

We’re in the holiday spirit every day!

One of the great aspects of the Christmas season is the gift giving. We all like to give things away – and to see the joy of the recipient.

At the library, we get to share and “give things away” all year long. We provide our books and other items as gifts to the community. Our recipients find joy and satisfaction from the many reading materials, movies, music, magazines, and more. All of these gifts are here for the taking – with only a free library card required!

We share our building with the community too, along with our computers and our meeting rooms. Library staff share our collective information expertise with those who need it. We love to help people get their questions answered, or find just the right book to read.

We share our enthusiasm for reading too! The library staff have many suggestions on great books – from their own reading interests to what others have recommended. We love to match people and books!

So every day, library staff carry out the spirit of giving! It’s like having the Christmas holiday all year long.

We welcome you to share something with us – an idea for improving the library, a book you’ve especially enjoyed, a gift for the library or the Friends.

Season’s Greetings & Happy Readings!

Sue Blechl, Library Director

Monday, December 04, 2006

Breakfast with Santa draws 500!

It was another successful holiday event at the library on Saturday, with 500 excited children and parents attending. Santa and Mrs. Claus are the highlight, with Santa doing two readings of the story “Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Christmas”. Other activities included ornament making with the Emporia Arts Council, a live deer (courtesy of Daryl Klumpe), face painting, live holiday music provided by Jeanne Turner, zoo animals and docents, and a breakfast of donuts, bananas, milk and juice. The library’s storybook tree and the Polar Express train exhibit helped to express the holiday spirit. Special thanks to Emporia Main Street, the Friends of the Library, and volunteers from Sigma Sigma Sigma and Girl Scouts.

This annual event helps to kick off the holiday season. Mark your 2007 calendar for Dec. 1 – the first Saturday in the month.

Another holiday event coming up is “Christmas with Laura Ingalls Wilder” on Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 6:30 pm. Through the support of the Kansas Humanities Council and the Friends of the Library, Betty Jean Steinshouer will portray Laura, and will share wonderful Christmas stories about pioneer life. Check out the library’s webpage for more information.

Happy Holidays!

Sue Blechl, Library Director

Friday, December 01, 2006

Season’s Greetings & Happy Readings!

Sorry to be so long between postings. It’s been a hectic fall at the library, followed by the wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and more holidays just around the corner.

We hope you’ve survived our recent winter weather and are getting back to your normal schedule, including visiting the library! While you are here, check out our terrific holiday tree, showcasing popular children’s books. We have dolls and toys to complement each selection. Thanks to a gift of the Nab Family, we are able to add new storybooks and dolls each year. Young and old will delight in the generations of reading displayed on the tree.

TOOT! TOOT! Our display case features the Polar Express train for the 2nd year in a row. Developed through the Nab Family gift, and created with the many artistic talents of library page Holly Hutchinson, the holiday exhibit is another reason to visit the library this month.

Are you looking for Christmas gift ideas? Consider a Friends of the Library book bag for $8, a Friends membership, or an autographed catalog card! In addition, you can honor a loved one with a book or other item for the library collection. Check with library staff – it’s an easy way to show you care and to help the library!

One of my December resolutions (why wait until the New Year!!) is to do at least two blog postings a week. You can be sure that I’ll have to keep them up, since I’m publicly announcing this intention. I need to be accountable for what I promise!

Enjoy the holiday and the holiday spirit!

Sue Blechl, Library Director