Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday Doings!

Many of you missed an outstanding event this week when Laura Ingalls Wilder visited Emporia! Portrayed by Betty Jean Steinshouer of Florida, the well-known children’s author came to life, body and soul. Audience members were totally engrossed in our guest, and asked many excellent questions about the “Little House” books, Laura’s real growing up stories, and about family members Almanzo and Rose.

We appreciate the support of the Kansas Humanities Council and the Friends of the Library in helping to make this presentation possible. We could tell that there are many, many Wilder fans in our area, and that every year more children (and adults) become fascinated with the pioneer stories that take place in the Midwest.

These types of quality programs are not cheap. The library paid $300 for this visit, plus a night’s lodging. Your membership and support of the Friends of the Library will help us to continue to bring a variety of speakers and performers to our area.

The library will be featured on KVOE’s Talk of Emporia on Friday, Dec. 22. Tune in at 11:05 to hear me give an update on special events and services. I’ll be joined by Jesse Solis of the library board and Ann Coulson, president of the Friends.

The library will be closed on Dec. 24 & 25 (Sunday and Monday). Plan in advance to stock up for your holiday reading.

Happy Holidays!!

Sue Blechl, Director


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