Friday, December 08, 2006

We’re in the holiday spirit every day!

One of the great aspects of the Christmas season is the gift giving. We all like to give things away – and to see the joy of the recipient.

At the library, we get to share and “give things away” all year long. We provide our books and other items as gifts to the community. Our recipients find joy and satisfaction from the many reading materials, movies, music, magazines, and more. All of these gifts are here for the taking – with only a free library card required!

We share our building with the community too, along with our computers and our meeting rooms. Library staff share our collective information expertise with those who need it. We love to help people get their questions answered, or find just the right book to read.

We share our enthusiasm for reading too! The library staff have many suggestions on great books – from their own reading interests to what others have recommended. We love to match people and books!

So every day, library staff carry out the spirit of giving! It’s like having the Christmas holiday all year long.

We welcome you to share something with us – an idea for improving the library, a book you’ve especially enjoyed, a gift for the library or the Friends.

Season’s Greetings & Happy Readings!

Sue Blechl, Library Director


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