Thursday, April 19, 2007

Another record Book Sale!

Thanks to the hard work of dedicated Friends of the Library volunteers and to the hundreds of book donors and book buyers, $10,094.30 was raised by the spring book sale which ended Wednesday. This is almost $700 more than last year’s sale, which was also a record.

Mary Unruh, book sale chair, and her wonderful assistants, including Cindy Pastor and Nancy McKinzie, spent long days at the library, preparing for the sale, straightening & cashiering at the sale, and finally, cleaning up after the sale. Many people helped with scheduling, putting up posters around town, moving the books, and much more. The thank you list is long.

Many people ask how the proceeds are used. The Friends of the Library board of directors works with library trustees and staff to determine projects and programs that need funding. In recent years the Friends’ funds have been used for:
Courtyard beautification
Brown Bag Concerts
Book Discussions-multiple copies of books
Endowment Fund to enrich the collection
Movie License
Book Mark Design Contest
Homebound Delivery program
Breakfast with Santa
Summer Reading programs for kids & for teens
Book Page Subscription – 50 copies monthly
Family Reading Month
Shopping Baskets
Quarterly newsletters
Popcorn machine and supplies
Super Friend awards
Staff Appreciation
Sound system

If you are not a Friends member, please consider joining! Membership fees start at $15 and support the wonderful work of the group. You can never have too many Friends!!

Sue Blechl, Library Director


At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just stopping in town for school.
Nice blog!


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