Friday, April 27, 2007

Protecting your Investment

The library staff recently recommended changes in our circulation rules to the library board. The board approved them and the new policies went into effect on April 16.

Here’s a short summary of the changes:

**People getting new library cards are restricted to having five items out at a time. This is in effect for their first three months as library users. In the past, some new patrons checked out numerous books and dvds, and left town – no new address or phone number and no items returned. This cost the library a lot of money.

**Patrons with overdue fines can check out if they owe under $5.00. Previously the limit was $25 and that was just too much.

**All patrons are now restricted to having five at a time of each of these high-use collections: DVDs, VHS Videos, Graphic Novels, Music Cds and Audiobooks. Cd-Roms are limited to two per card at one time.

Click here to read the exact policy wording.

We feel that these changes are needed and are fair. We are already seeing an improvement as more movies, music and audiobooks are on the shelves for everyone to share.

Responsible library usage helps maximize the collection and the budget. Thanks for understanding and returning your items on time!


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