Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Libraries & Library Boards: Working for Basic Services for All

Did you know that there are more than 300 public libraries in Kansas, serving towns and cities of all sizes? In Lyon County, we have four public libraries. They are in Emporia, Americus, Hartford, and Allen. Have you visited any or all of them?

Check out their hours and more at

Did you know that public libraries are often called “the people’s universities” or “the great equalizers?” There are those who can afford and who choose to purchase their books, media, magazines, e-mail, Internet access and more. These are others who don’t have the means. Such basic tools of living, learning, and communicating are available at the library, with no special charges. Your taxes pay for basic library services. Libraries strive to ensure that all citizens have the essential tools for success.

Community libraries are governed locally. Each has a library board made up of volunteers appointed by the municipality. Library board members, also called trustees, work with the library staff on finance & budget issues, policies, and more. Decisions on such topics as library hours, staffing, collection development policies, and technology are made by the library board. Among the most difficult decisions library trustees make relate to how to provide needed and wanted services with small budgets.

The seven members of the Emporia Public Library Board meet monthly. Some of their board business includes: to review revenues and expenses, approve payment of the bills, hear about the Friends of the Library, the state library and regional systems, suggest possible new services, review policies and share comments from the public about the Library.

Library trustees have important roles: they must help govern the library, see that it is properly funded and managed, and advocate for its use. To see the list of EPL board members, click on: http://skyways.lib.ks.us/library/emporia/board/board.htm

If you meet one of these volunteers when you’re out and about, consider expressing your thanks for their efforts to achieve the best library possible.

Sue Blechl
Library Director


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