Monday, May 15, 2006

Great Libraries Need Great Friends!

We are so fortunate to have an exceptional Friends of the Library group in Emporia. We recently finished our Spring Book Sale, which brought in $9,412.74. That’s about $471 more than the 2005 sale. We’ve set another new record!

We couldn’t do it without the volunteers, donors, and customers of the sale. Special thanks go to Mary Unruh and Belinda Schlesener, book sale co-chairs, and the book sorting committee members, who work weekly through the year to sort, price, and stack thousands of books, videos, compact discs, magazines and more.

We welcome your donations! Please bring them to the library and deposit in the special wooden bin near the main desk. For larger numbers, you can drive to the library’s delivery entrance on the north side (use the alley off 7th Ave. to get there), and we can unload boxes directly on to book carts.

For more information on the Friends of the Library, click on

The fall book sale is set for October 12-15, 2006.

For information on Friends of Kansas Libraries, click on


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