Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Numbers tell a story!

The library, like many institutions, uses numbers to document its work. We have many ways to share what goes on in the Emporia Public Library. Here are a few noteworthy statistics:

On Monday, June 5 alone, the library hosted 989 visitors who checked out 961 items. Our library computers were used for 152 sessions by adults and 57 sessions by children. 38 children and 26 adults attended storytimes. In addition our staff assisted numerous patrons with reference questions, with computer use, and with readers advisory.

849 children are registered for the Summer Reading Club as of June 6. Last year by the end of summer 1,042 children participated.

I share this because many people do not realize what a well-used service the library is. The next time you stop by, don’t be surprised by a parking lot filled to capacity, a waiting list to use our computers, the storytime room filled to overflowing, and a line at the check out desk. Our 9 full-time and 19 part-time staff are busy meeting the needs of Emporia area citizens. We hope we can serve your needs soon!

Sue Blechl, Library Director


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