Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Worms, Art, and Golf – What do they have in common?

The answer is … the Emporia Public Library!!!

On June 29 the library held its 12th annual worm races, an event that is part of each year’s Summer Reading Program. Children bring a worm and give it a name. Several worms are placed in the center circle of our special worm racing board. The racers are then tracked to see which makes it to the outer ring first. We have judges and plenty of onlookers to cheer for the kids and the worms. For those who want a little more speed, toy car races are held too. There’s lots of fun and learning at the library. Over 1,060 children are reading and counting minutes. Keep up the good work!

This month the Friends of the Library celebrate art in Emporia by sponsoring a competition and show. In cooperation with the Emporia Arts Council and the Flint Hills Girl Scout Council, the Friends have selected artworks for display, for award, and for purchase for the Library. The show will run through Sat. July 14 at the Arts Council. Check out the beautiful paintings, glass, and sculptures.

It’s a little hard to tie golf directly to the library. Of course we have books and videos about the sport in the collection, but that’s about it. However golf can also mean money to the library! This year the Flint Hills Optimists and the Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity are working together to put on a benefit golf tournament on July 14 at the Emporia Municipal Golf Course. The two groups have designated the library’s Summer Reading Program for the proceeds. What a wonderful focus! We hope all you golfers put together a 4-man team for this scramble and enjoy your time on the links. You’ll be helping to make our super Summer Reading Program even better!

Worms, Art, and Golf --- only at the Library!

Sue Blechl, Library Director