Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Another Record Sale!!

The Friends of the Library have just finished the fall book sale, netting $7,213.42. That’s $2,500 more than last fall. How wonderful!

Credit for the sale must go to chair Mary Unruh, who tirelessly works before, during, and after the sale to make it a success. We applaud Mary’s generous volunteerism!

Other great helpers include the book sorting committee: Cindy Pastor, Nancy McKinzie, Virginia Loper, Jo Mouse, Sharon Ikerd, and Judy Dodson. These ladies know how to work!! Thanks also goes to Belinda Schlesener who handled much of the publicity, and to Friends Board members, especially president Ann Coulson, for pitching in and getting the job done.

Some behind-the-scene helpers are Middle School teacher Carson Matile and about 20 of his students who move the books up from the basement each fall and spring. We’re proud of the help they give us.

Those of you who posted yard signs were big helps in getting the word out. Those of you who donated books and other items for the sale are great. And to all of you who spent money at the sale, I say THANK YOU!!!

Each dollar goes to support the library – for programs, collection enhancements, services, and more. Some may say “It takes a village.” I say “It takes the Friends!”

Thank you all.

Sue Blechl, Library Director

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Books! Books! Books!!

The fall book sale is almost here. It will run from Thurs. Oct. 12 to Monday, Oct. 16 with reduced prices on Monday. It’s the longest and the biggest fall sale yet!

The Friends of the Library run the sale, and they are the most dedicated, generous people around. The book sorters who work each week with the thousands of book donations and the magazine exchange really are the heart of the work. We appreciate the students who help move books, cashiers and straighteners working during the sale, and all the customers who leave with armloads and sometimes carloads of books.

Two very important people with the sale are Mary Unruh and Belinda Schlesener. Mary works diligently several days a week year round to make the sale a success. Belinda handles much of the publicity, distributing posters and getting the sale promoted on local marquees. We couldn’t do it without them!

The library and Friends will be featured on KVOE’’s Talk of Emporia on Friday, Oct. 13 from 11:05 TO 11:35. Tune in to 1400AM and hear about the sale and many other cool programs at the library

Last fall’s sale brought in a record $4,700 – and we want to exceed that this week! Stop by during our regular hours and pick up some great reading. We estimate 20,000 books to choose from! We’ll have some videos too, and lots of books for kids and teens. Something for everyone!

Sue Blechl, Director